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April 2024

How much is my back injury worth?

So you injured your back in a car accident. How much is that injury worth in a settlement with the insurance company? Well, it really depends on the severity of the injuries. Do you have disc injuries? Is the disc bulging, herniated or ruptured? The only way to determine that is through a lumbar MRI. Therefore, the value of a back injury in a car accident case can vary widely depending on the specific circumstances of the injury and the impact it has on the individual. Some of the factors we take into consideration are: We work with spine surgeons and orthopedic surgeons who can properly evaluate and treat your injuries so call us for a free consultation.

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How do you file an insurance claim after a car wreck?

If you are filing a claim against the at-fault driver, you need to know their insurance company and also have a copy of the police report. Read the police report to make sure you weren’t noted as being at fault. If you are filing a claim against your own insurance company after a car wreck, you typically go through the following steps: It’s important to review your insurance policy carefully and understand your coverage limits and deductibles before filing a claim. Your rates may also go up. We therefore suggest you call us before filing a claim so you can get competent legal advice.

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What is investment fraud?

Investment fraud encompasses a wide range of deceptive practices that are aimed at convincing investors to make financial decisions based on false or misleading information. Some common types of investment fraud include: Investment fraud can take many forms, and fraudsters are constantly evolving their tactics to deceive investors. It’s important for investors to be vigilant and conduct thorough research before making any investment decisions.

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Should I go to law school?

Do you find yourself asking whether you should go to law school? Here are five reasons not to go: 1. There are WAY too many lawyers out there. It’s very hard to get business because competition is fierce. Have you even seen all the lawyer billboards and commercials? It’s insane! There’s a billboard on every corner and personal injury lawyer ads play back-to-back all day long. For many people the pay is not as great as you would think.  See above.  A few lawyers at the top make most of the money — the trial lawyers. If you’re vicious, relentless and ruthless you might make an excellent trial lawyer. Many lawyers are in the middle and make “good” money, and the rest struggle to survive. It’s expensive to hire a lawyer to represent you in court. Court filing fees are prohibitively high for most people who aren’t giant corporations. And importantly, the field will be revolutionized by AI.  I assure you lawyers will dispute that and will kick and scream to prevent that from happening. But just like you couldn’t stop the automobile, lawyers, judges and bar associations are going to have to get with the program and actually care about the client. AI will make legal research, writing and decision making faster and more accurate. This means AI will make representation cheaper. But don’t expect bar associations to not put up a fight. That means many lawyers will be out of a job soon. For now, I would say that today lawyering might possibly be the hardest way to make money there is, at least in the professions and when the economy is flagging as it is under Biden and the evil democrats. 2. You are immersed in other people’s misery all day, every day. After dealing with other people’s tragedies day after day, you become emotionally, mentally and physically exhausted from it.  The last thing you want to do is be in a toxic environment every day, all day. People also want you to do free work for them constantly. Nobody wants to pay a lawyer — ever. 3. The bar associations suck – They are woke and all up in your business. Lawyering is one of those absurd professions where you MUST pay to be a member of your state bar association, even if you don’t want to. Bar associations are filled with lawyers and people who are not business minded and don’t really understand the marketplace. They tend to make ridiculous rules on advertising and trust accounting that make no sense to other professions. Bar associations are also exceedingly left wing and promote repugnant DEI policies which are prima facie unconstitutional. I haven’t seen a bar association solve a problem yet. But they love to show glossy pictures of their members at fundraising galas! 4. You deal with the most awful, argumentative and nasty people every day. Some of my closest and dearest friends are lawyers and they are exceptional people — smart, nice, kind and honest. But I have had interactions with other lawyers who I think are sociopaths. They will stab you in the back and tell you that you did it. 5. You generally are not rewarded for creativity.  If you peruse my videos, you’ll see the first few are of me playing the guitar.  I do that because it’s fun and I like being creative.  Law does not allow much room for creativity though.  You can thank bar associations and stuffy judges. I think that if you want your life to have meaning, you need to be able to be creative each day. Not punished for it. Do you want to spend all of your spare time arguing and fighting with people?  I don’t. There are some rewarding moments as a lawyer — sometimes you really can help someone get a fair deal and “justice,” as some call it. But it is a very stressful and ultra competitive profession that has many unhappy people trying to escape it.

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Neck injury from car accident

What should I do if I have suffered a neck injury in a car accident? If you have suffered a neck injury in a car accident, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. Even if the injury seems minor, it is best to have a medical professional evaluate it to ensure that there is no serious damage or underlying medical condition. Car accidents can cause a variety of neck injuries, including: Whiplash: This is the most common neck injury from car accidents. It occurs when the head is suddenly jerked forward and then backward, straining the neck’s muscles and ligaments. Cervical Fracture: A cervical fracture is a break in one of the seven bones (vertebrae) in the neck. This can range from a minor fracture to a more severe injury that affects the spinal cord. Herniated Disc: The force of a car accident can cause the discs between the vertebrae in the neck to bulge or rupture, pressing on nearby nerves and causing pain, numbness, or weakness. Cervical Dislocation: This occurs when the bones in the neck become misaligned due to the force of the accident, which can damage the spinal cord and surrounding nerves. Cervical Sprain: A cervical sprain is an injury to the ligaments in the neck, often caused by sudden twisting or jerking of the head in a car accident. Spinal Cord Injury: In severe cases, a car accident can cause damage to the spinal cord in the neck region, leading to partial or complete paralysis. It’s important to seek medical attention after a car accident, even if you don’t immediately feel pain, as some injuries may not be apparent right away. When you seek medical attention, make sure to tell the healthcare provider about the accident and the nature of your neck injury. This will help them to determine the appropriate treatment plan, which may include medication, physical therapy, or other forms of treatment. In addition to seeking medical attention, it is also important to inform your insurance company of the accident and the nature of your injuries. They can help you understand what type of coverage you may have and what steps you need to take to file a claim. If you believe that the accident was caused by the negligence or recklessness of another driver, you may also want to consider consulting with a personal injury attorney who specializes in car accidents. They can help you understand your legal options and pursue compensation for your injuries and damages.

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