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March 2024

negotiating to win

Slander lawyers near me

We are slander lawyers who can help you if you think you have been defamed online. Due to the rise on social media posting and people posting things they don’t actually know about, we receive numerous calls for people looking to file a defamation lawsuit. Remember, libel and slander fall under the tort of “defamation.” Libel traditionally refers to defamatory comments made in writing, while slander usually refers to defamatory comments made orally. Defamatory remarks made online can cause you to suffer serious damages, even death threats, depending on what was said. We have seen sever cases such as this. If you are looking for a slander lawyer near you, and you live anywhere in southeast Louisiana, give us a call at 985-888-0640.

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covington auto accident attorney

Lawyers for civil suits

Business and civil suit lawyers in Covington, La who are ready to help you pursue a legal claim or defend against a legal claim. Did you know there are about 19 million civil suits filed in the United States each year? First, if you are being sued, you need to hire a qualified civil suit lawyer right away because time is of the essence. If you wait too long to file a responsive pleading, the plaintiff can get a default judgment against you. And about the only way to get a default judgment off of you is to pay it in full. The most common type of civil case filed in the United States varies depending on the jurisdiction and the source of the data. However, some of the most common types of civil cases include: Second, it is not necessary to hire a lawyer in your home town. Sometimes the best civil lawyers are in another city or even another state. If you are near the Covington area and in need of a civil attorney, call Kervin Law at 985-888-0640.

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car accident lawyer

Libel slander lawyers

What is the difference between libel and slander? Libel and slander are both forms of defamation, which is the act of making false statements about someone that damages their reputation. The main difference between the two lies in the way the defamatory statement is communicated: In terms of legal consequences, both libel and slander can result in a defamation lawsuit if the false statements harm the reputation of the person or entity being targeted. However, the specific laws and requirements for proving libel or slander can vary by jurisdiction. In general, a defamation case requires the plaintiff (the person claiming defamation) to prove the following elements: It’s important to note that defamation laws can vary significantly by jurisdiction, so the specific elements and requirements may differ depending on where the case is being heard. Tips you should know when searching for a libel and slander lawyer. You should ask whether the lawyer for defamation has any experience litigating libel and slander cases. Have the sued someone for defamation? Have they defended a defamation suit? If not, you probably need to speak to an attorney experienced with defamation cases. If you think you have been defamed and need a libel slander lawyer, call Kervin Law today at 985-888-0640.

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car accident attorney

Best state to form LLC

What is the best state to form an LLC? That is a great question and one we will try to answer here. The best state to form an LLC depends on your specific business needs and goals. However, some states are often considered more favorable for LLC formation due to their business-friendly regulations, tax benefits, and legal protections. Common knowledge holds that states like Delaware, Nevada, and Wyoming are popular choices for LLC formation due to their favorable business laws, because:

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supreme court

Conservative podcast

New conservative podcast I’ve been working on a new conservative podcast at my educational site, podnah. My plan is to create podcasts that explore legal themes in contemporary America and that rebut much of leftwing “lawfare.” I had never heard of lawfare until recently.  After watching Democrats abuse the courts and legal systems to try and take him out as a political opponent, I felt I had to speak out. It is unethical as a lawyer to abuse the courts and your prosecutorial powers to file frivolous civil lawsuits and prosecutions for the sole purpose of election interference.  That’s what this is — election interference. We plan on talking to experts in these areas on our podcast which we hope to offer weekly. 

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