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Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

personal injury case


A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a type of injury that occurs when a sudden trauma or blow to the head causes damage to the brain. TBIs can range in severity from mild to severe, and can cause a wide range of symptoms depending on the location and extent of the injury.

Symptoms of a TBI can include loss of consciousness, confusion, headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, fatigue, changes in mood or behavior, memory loss, and difficulty thinking or concentrating. Severe TBIs can result in more serious symptoms, such as seizures, paralysis, and coma.

TBIs can be caused by a variety of factors, including car accidents, falls, sports injuries, and violence. Treatment for a TBI depends on the severity of the injury, but may include medication, surgery, rehabilitation, and counseling.


TBIs can be caused by a wide range of factors, but some common causes include:

1)  Falls: Falls are the leading cause of TBIs, particularly among older adults and children.

2)  Motor vehicle accidents: Car accidents, motorcycle accidents, and pedestrian accidents can all result in TBIs.

3)  Sports injuries: TBIs are common among athletes who participate in contact sports such as football, hockey, and boxing.

4)  Violence: Assaults, gunshot wounds, and other forms of violence can cause TBIs.

5)  Explosive blasts: Military personnel and others exposed to explosive blasts are at risk for TBIs.

6)  Shaken baby syndrome: Infants and young children can sustain TBIs if they are shaken violently.

7)  Penetrating injuries: Objects such as knives, bullets, and shattered glass can penetrate the skull and cause brain damage.

It’s important to take steps to prevent TBIs whenever possible, such as wearing helmets when cycling or participating in contact sports, using seat belts while driving, and taking precautions to prevent falls.


The treatment for a traumatic brain injury (TBI) depends on the severity of the injury and the specific symptoms and complications that the patient is experiencing. In general, treatment for a TBI may include:

1)  Emergency medical care: For severe TBIs, immediate emergency medical care is necessary to stabilize the patient and prevent further damage to the brain.

2)  Medication: Medications may be prescribed to help manage pain, reduce swelling in the brain, prevent seizures, and manage other symptoms.

3)  Surgery: Surgery may be necessary to remove blood clots or other debris from the brain, repair skull fractures, or relieve pressure on the brain.

4)  Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation is an important part of the recovery process for many TBI patients. This may include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and cognitive therapy.

5)  Counseling and support: Patients and their families may benefit from counseling and support services to help cope with the emotional and psychological impact of a TBI.

It’s important to note that recovery from a TBI can be a lengthy and challenging process, and the specific course of treatment will depend on the individual needs and circumstances of the patient.

Call 985-888-0640 to speak to a personal injury lawyer who can advise you if you have suffered trauma to the brain.

I am a brain injury attorney who can assist you if you think you’ve suffered a brain injury in an accident.

Sometimes a car collision causes the occupant to suffer what is called a “traumatic brain injury,” or TBI.

If you think you injured your head or brain in a car or truck collision, call us for a free consultation so that we can see about getting you evaluated by the proper medical specialists.

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