business lawyer

Louisiana Defamation Lawyer

I get a lot of calls about defamation cases. I tell every prospective client the same thing — defamation cases are hard to win. First, we have First Amendment rights to free speech. Also, opinions are protected speech. It’s not against the law to post your opinion online. Second, you have to actually prove damages. You have to show that the defamatory statements actually caused you financial harm. This is also hard to do. You would have to show that the statements cost you a job, cost you business or something like that. Third, you usually have to prove that the statements were made with malice, meaning, that they were made through the person’s fault. That said, defamation cases are not impossible and sometimes they result in large damages awards. If you think you have a defamation case, call me at 985-888-0640 for a free consultation.

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truck accident attorney

Should I Hire a Covington Car Accident Attorney?

If you’ve been in a car accident, you may want to know whether you need to retain a lawyer in the town where the accident occurred or where you live or work. You may wonder whether it will affect your case if the lawyer’s office is not in the same town where the accident occurred. You’ve probably seen the numerous billboards and television ads of personal injury attorneys relentlessly advertising for car accident cases. Does that law firm have an office in or near your hometown?  Many of the big television advertisers have offices in Baton Rouge or New Orleans but rarely in smaller towns like Mandeville, Covington, or Folsom. Suppose you were in a car accident in Covington, Louisiana.  Do you really need to hire a Covington car accident attorney? Ask yourself, how important is it to you to have individualized, personal service near where you live and work? Is it important to you to have your lawyer’s cell phone?  What about having the same lawyer work on your case from beginning to end. Is it important to you to be able to conveniently drive to your attorney’s office and meet with him to discuss your case? If any of these are important to you, you should consider hiring a local car accident lawyer in the town in or near where you live or work. Our firm is conveniently located in Covington and we offer an individualized personal service experience. Even if you cannot come to the office in person, we can handle many aspects of your case over the phone, through email or online. For example, we can send and receive signed forms simply by signing them and scanning them.  Many clients email us photographs or other exhibits we use for their case. For many clients we work with, it is important to them to be treated like a person rather than a number. If you hire us, you will work directly with David, the lawyer who will handle your case from start to finish. Things to Remember if You Have Been Injured in Car Accident in Covington: Get immediate medical attention if needed. Call the police and provide a detailed and thorough account of the car crash. Get the Item Number and Crash Report Number so that your attorney can order what is called the “Uniform Crash Report.” Get the at-fault driver’s insurance information such as their insurer’s name and policy information so that we can contact them and file a claim Call Kervin Law for a free consultation so we can advise you of your rights and duties and help you get the compensation you deserve. Kervin Law, LLC

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Business Attorney Covington LA

How much car insurance do I need?

So you’ve been in a car wreck in Covington, Louisiana. How much insurance do you need? This is a great question but one I bet most people don’t ask themselves.  My guess is most people buy the bare minimum insurance coverage and never think about it again. First, determine how much (and what kind of) insurance you have. The thing is you really should consider how much insurance coverage you need because it could greatly affect your own personal assets if you were to cause a car wreck.If you drive a car, you obviously need to buy car insurance to legally drive on public roads. But how much insurance coverage should you carry?  My advice is that you first start with conducting a basic analysis of your own financial situation and figure out what your assets and liabilities are. Do you own a home?  If so, how much equity you have in it? Do you own a business? Do you have cash in bank accounts or stocks and bonds in brokerage accounts? If the answer is “yes” to any of these questions, you will want more than the minimum levels of insurance coverage. Second, you need to know how much insurance the at-fault driver has. In Louisiana, drivers are required to maintain a minimum of $15,000 in insurance coverage per person, and $30,000 in coverage per accident. For example, if you rear-ended someone and caused them exactly $15,000 in damages (e.g., $7,000 in medical bills and $8,000 in pain and suffering) you would be covered. With the $30,000 “per accident” coverage, you get covered up to that point if multiple people are injured and file claims against you. If you rear end someone and two or more people file injury claims against you, your insurance will cover you to a maximum of $30,000 per that accident.An Emergency Room bill for one injured person can easily exceed $15,000. Remember, in Louisiana (as in most states) the at-fault party is responsible for paying the “medical specials,” which is lawyer-speak for actual medical bills, in addition to “pain and suffering” which is an intangible dollar amount assigned to the pain and suffering someone experiences after an accident. Are my personal assets exposed if I cause a car wreck? Let’s take the above example and say that you rear end a car with four occupants and they  claim they suffered $50,000 in damages each (e.g., $25,000 in medical bills and $25,000 in pain and suffering). These people could sue you for an “excess judgment” for the amounts over and above what your insurance policy paid them. In that case, your carrier would tender $30,000 (divided up according to their agreement) and then you would personally have to pay them the balance.  Meaning you would personally pay the difference between what your primary auto insurance policy covered and what was owed the plaintiffs. This money might come from your personal bank accounts, brokerage accounts or result in a lien on your house or business. Your LLC or other business might be subject to judgment too depending on whether you were in a company vehicle when the accident occurred, or if the plaintiff pierces the corporate veil through a variety of legal maneuvers. While it is true certain assets are exempt from judgment if certain conditions are met (401(k) accounts, annuities, and certain other financial vehicles) it is not wise to solely rely on such protective measures. This is why we recommend you buy the amount of insurance coverage commensurate with the amount of assets you have. Consider buying an umbrella insurance policy. Most automobile insurance carriers will sell a maximum of between $300,000 and $500,000 in liability coverage.  If you need more coverage than that because you have more assets than that, you will need an umbrella policy which you can usually purchase through the same automobile insurer. Most people are surprised to learn that the price of getting higher insurance coverage is not as expensive as they thought. An umbrella policy can cost less than a thousand dollars a year and raising your limits from $15,000 to $300,000 might only cost $150 more a month.  Call your automobile insurer and ask them about increasing your coverage and in buying an umbrella policy. It’s also important to have a good driving record that is free from tickets and accidents to qualify for better rates.As for your home insurance, homeowners can adjust their personal injury limits as well. In my experience, you usually must buy the highest level of personal injury coverage on your home to qualify for an umbrella policy.  It doesn’t raise the homeowner’s policy premium significantly, but it will raise it some. It is unusual in Louisiana to see a tort victim sue under a homeowner’s policy, although it does happen occasionally.  The accident would have to happen at the person’s home and be caused by the fault of the homeowner in some way and not be subject to a statutory limitation of liability.  I’ve read cases where this happened but it’s not the norm. Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage. One final matter you should consider is whether you are covered under an Uninsured or Underinsured Motorists Policy. This coverage allows you to file a claim on your own car insurance policy if you are hurt by an at-fault driver, but the at-fault driver does not have sufficient insurance coverage to cover your damages. For example, suppose someone makes a left turn from the right lane and turns into you and crashes.  Now assume you go to the ER, then a chiropractor and rack up $30,000 in medical bills and lost time at work.  But the at-fault driver in this case only has $15,000 in coverage. If you purchased UM/UIM coverage from your own insurer, then you can file a claim with them, and they will pay the difference.  The great news for you is that if you are not at fault in the accident, your insurance company is forbidden by law

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car accident attorney

Personal injury law attorney

Did you know that a low impact collision can cause significant back injures?  An experienced personal injury law attorney knows this. In fact, low impact collisions can cause serious spinal injuries.  These spine injuries can often only be seen with an MRI machine. If you have suffered a back injury, you may have actually suffered from a herniated disc. How do you treat back injuries resulting from a collision? Rest: Taking a break from activities that exacerbate the pain can help reduce inflammation and promote healing. Physical Therapy: A physical therapist can guide you through exercises and stretches that aim to improve flexibility, strengthen supportive muscles, and relieve pressure on the affected disc. Pain Medications: Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen or prescription pain relievers can help manage pain and inflammation. Epidural Steroid Injections: Corticosteroid injections around the inflamed nerve can provide temporary relief by reducing inflammation and pain. Chiropractic Care: Chiropractors use spinal adjustments and other techniques to realign the spine, which might alleviate pressure on the affected disc and nerves. Heat and Cold Therapy: Applying heat or cold to the affected area can help reduce pain and muscle spasms. Cold therapy is often recommended during the acute phase, while heat therapy can be used later on. Lifestyle Modifications: Maintaining a healthy weight, practicing good posture, and avoiding activities that strain the spine can help prevent further disc issues. Traction: Traction involves gently stretching the spine to reduce pressure on the affected disc, potentially relieving pain and improving symptoms. Surgery: In severe cases where conservative treatments haven’t been effective, surgical options like discectomy (removing the herniated portion of the disc) or spinal fusion might be considered. Alternative Therapies: Some people find relief from herniated disc symptoms through complementary approaches like acupuncture, massage therapy, or yoga. While these might not directly address the disc issue, they can help manage pain and improve overall well-being. Remember, the most appropriate treatment depends on factors such as the severity of your herniated disc, your overall health, and your doctor’s recommendations. Always consult a healthcare professional before starting any treatment regimen. If you have been in a car accident, you may have suffered injuries to your cervical, lumbar or sacral spine. You may have a bulging, herniated or rupured disc.  This can cause significant pain and range of motion limits. You need to call an experienced herniated disc attorney to make sure you get the compensation you deserve. If you’ve suffered a herniated disc in an accident, you need a personal injury law attorney.  Call Covington accident lawyer David Kervin at 985-888-0640. Below is a case that demonstrates the possible compensation amounts in a herniated disc case. Here is a summary of a case we researched which discussed back injuries from a car accident: Two men involved in the same car accident received treatment by the same doctors and hospitals three days after the accident. Both men refused to have lumbar surgery. The first male sustained injuries of 2 herniated lumbar disc. His treatment lasted 8 years after the accident including physical therapy. Man claimed to have pain with sitting for long periods as well as issues with impotence. The second male sustained injuries of 2 lumbar herniations received treatment for 7 years after the accident and complained of impotence. Reason for the award amount: The court awarded the first male $30,000 general damages and $7,000 in medical expenses. The court awarded the second male $40,000 general damages and $10,000 in medical expenses. The court noted for the first male treatment lasted so long because he refused surgery and the man was able to sit through court without any pain. The court noted that in both cases of the impotence were unrelated to the case.

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